ANGER -One of the Six Passions of life. This is the SECOND Passion present in man. This can also be called as Negative Emotion of Life. It is one of the characteristic of WEAK MIND. There is hardly any moment or day in a person's life that he/she spent without Anger. So, it seems, TO GET ANGRY - is a very natural process.
Main Reason to get angry is FRUSTRATION. The Reason of Frustration:-
- Environmental Forces ->(Block the motive fulfillment)
- Personal Inadequacies ->(Make situations impossible to reach goals)
- Conflicts between & among motives ->(Creation of Confusion)
Physiological changes that occur with ANGER:
-Blood Pressure & Heart Rate increase.
-Respiration becomes more rapid.
-Electrical resistance of the skin (Pale Skin).
-Pupils of the eye dilate.
-Blood Sugar level increases to provide more energy.
-Motility of the gastrointestinal tract decreases or stops entirely as the blood is diverted from the stomach & intestines & send to the brain & skeletal muscles.
-Hairs on the skin erect causing "Goose Pimples".
Generally in some situations we also repress our Anger and sometimes it comes out. This proves that there is hardly any moment when we are not angry - the difference is of INTENSITY. Our whole being is poisoned by the anger. We eat with anger. We talk with anger. Mostly we do everything with anger. When a person eat meat, but non-violently then I think he/she is in a best condition than the person who is eating vegetables violently. When we take our food with anger, our teeth and mouth release anger as if we are chewing our worst enemy. So think if our food is our enemy, does it really nourish us. Don't you think the food taken by us in anger will nourish our ill feelings? When we do everything with anger then we are the person without LOVE. Human beings are the only creation of GOD with Love. Psychologists say that more that 70% of the diseases caused by the suppression of emotions. The case of Heart diseases increases as we suppress our anger.
Never suppress your anger doesn't mean you allow your anger to let it go to others. This will ruin your relation in the society which is also not good. In your bad time GOD is always with you in the form of your loved ones & friends. It is generally said that "ANGER DESTROY EVERYTHING". This means an angry person can never think properly & improper thought always misleads us. An angry person destroys himself as he/she can never do constructive things.
So next time you feel angry, go & run around the house 7 times & then sit under a tree & watch where the anger has gone. You have not repressed it, you've not control it & you've not even throw it to somebody else. If you throw it on somebody else a chain is created. If the other is as foolish, as unconscious, and as ignorant as you & if you throw anger on him/her, think what the situation would be.
As we are the God’s creation we are beautiful. The emotions within us are also beautiful as they are God gifted.
So, ANGER IS ALSO VERY BEAUTIFUL. If the Anger gets transformed it becomes COMPASSION - Energy is same - HEAT ENERGY converted into MECHANICAL ENERGY.
If we condemn a natural phenomenon it becomes poisonous, destructive, and suicidal. But if we transform it, it becomes divine. In transformation we never control, we are simply aware.
All power is there in us. We can change the world by changing ourselves.
Lord Buddha explained how to handle Anger & maintain compassion:
One day Lord Buddha was walking through a village. A very angry & rude young man came up & began insulting him. "You have no right teaching others," he shouted. "You are as stupid as everyone else, you are nothing but a fake."
Buddha was not upset by these insults. Instead he asked the young man, "tell me, if you by a gift for someone, & that person does not take it, to whom does the gift belong?" The man was surprised to be asked such a strange question and answered, "It would belong to me, because I bought the gift."
The Buddha then smiled & said, "that is correct. And it is exactly the same with your anger. If you become angry with me & I do not get insulted, then the anger falls back on you. You are then the only one who becomes unhappy, not me. All you have done is hurt yourself." Buddha conctinued,"If you want to stop hurting yourself, you must get rid of your anger & become loving instead. When you hate others, you yourself become unhappy. But when you love others, everyone is happy."
Thinking about Sense-objects
Will attach you to Sense-objects;
Grow attached, and you become Addicted;
Thwart your Addiction, it turns to ANGER;
Be Angry, and you Confuse your mind;
Confuse your mind, you forget the Lesson of Experience;
Forget Experience, you lose Discrimination;
Lose Discrimination and you MISS LIFE'S ONLY PURPOSE.
The uncontrolled mind
Does not guess that the Atman is present;
Then how it can meditate?
Without meditation, where is Peace?
Without Peace, Where is HAPPINESS?
(Bhagavad-Gita, II. 62, 63, 65)
1) The Book of Psychology -by Sigmond Feud
2) Osho Times
3) Tales of Lord Buddha
4) Srimad Bhagwat Gita